Site de G. Laroche

Selection of RDS website

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This page include a selection of RDS links :

- RDS standard description
- Officials Sites
- RDS Coder
- RDS Decoder
RDS Standard description

A fine personal site describing RDS Standard .


Officials sites
RDS official web site
RDS official European standard site
RDS Coder

This very fine website describe a complete RDS coder using a PIC 16F876. You will find diagrams, boards and binary codes to achieve an encoder RDS, the assembly being informed well.

RDS Decodeur

On this very good site, you will find the achievement of a decoder RDS, but also many data on buses USB for example.

A very interristing site to be consulted for the achievements and the documentations on the electronics.

This site describes the achievement of a decoder RDS, developed during a project BTS.

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